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Maxsea Acid Plant Food 20 lb
Maxsea 14-18-14 Acid Plant Food is designed for year-round use on all acid-loving plants and alkaline soils. Boosted with soil acidifiers and fast-acting chelated iron and zinc, this special MAXSEA formula will acidify alkaline soils and help correct and prevent chlorosis (yellow foliage). In addition to a regular feeding program for acid-loving plants, this is an excellent formula to give ailing plants a boost, regardless of pH preferences.
Maxsea Acid may be combined in varying ratios with Maxsea Bloom to create any number of formulas. A 50/50 ratio with Maxsea Bloom will create an approximate 10-20-20 formula; this is an excellent choice to complement the blossom cycle of all acid-loving plants.
A partial list of acid loving plants that will benefit from a regular feeding program with Maxsea Acid Plant Food includes Azaleas, Camellias, Rhododendrons, Hydrangeas, Gardenias, Ornamental Citrus, Orchids, Lilacs, Daphne, Daffodils, Tulips, Begonias, Ferns, Hollies, Japanese Maples, Junipers and Conifers.
This special Maxsea formula is comprised of primary plant foods nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. A full spectrum of important secondary elements and micronutrients provide sulfur, boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc. The seaweed granules in Maxsea contain over 60 recognized elements all found to be beneficial to plants. All components are in a concentrated water-soluble form that goes to work immediately for fast acting immediate results.