Spring Clearance SALE
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X-IT 2.5G
X-IT Clone Drench was developed by scientists to aid fresh cuttings with increased vigor and robustness, while preventing Hops Latent Viroid (aka HLV or HpLVd) from translocating. Essentially cloning out of HLV-infected stock. Commercial farms and nurseries can integrate X-IT in their propagation SOPs to produce clean-stock, increase cultivation yields, and eliminate the $B of crop losses attributed to Hops Latent Viroid annually.
Each 2.5G jug of concentrate makes 50 gallons mixed. For best results, use X-IT dilution in your beakers for taking fresh cuttings, and let them drink 1hr+. Also be sure to soak your propagation medium with this dilution, incorporated with any other rooting additives you prefer (e.g. rooting hormones, microbials, plant starting fertilizers, etc).